Introducing the De Parys Conservative team 1st March 2019 Andrea Spice trained as an accountant at the Royal Mail whilst living in London and chose Bedford as the place she wanted to settle and raise her family, moving... Local News
De Parys Conservatives InTouch 1st March 2019 In Andrea’s and Robin’s most recent newsletter to the residents of De Parys they focus on the air quality within the area and the current condition of many road... Local News
Quiz Night 18th February 2019 Our annual quiz night was held in February, and what a night it was. There was a great turnout of 50 quizzers, putting their thinking caps on to try and earn... Local News
Newnham Conservatives intouch 10th February 2019 In this copy of the Newnham Conservatives newsletter Alison and John report back on the quarterly Bedfordshire Police community priority setting meeting for the... Local News
Residents Survey 9th February 2019 Local Conservatives, led by Gianni Carofano, have been busy this last year listening to Bedford residents across the county. After surveying as many people... Local News
Kempston West needs a local campaigner 8th February 2019 Cllr Anthony Boutall, Borough Councillor for Kempston Central & East, writes to local residents in Kempston West to explain the need for fresh local... Local News
Putnoe Conservatives InTouch 5th February 2019 Dawn and Mike report back to the residents of Putnoe on the outcome of their residents survey. From those that responded speeding in the local area came out as... Local News
De Parys Conservatives InTouch 15th December 2018 Andrea and Robin have been out in the De Parys Ward communicating on the work they have been doing in the local area. If you would like to read their local news... Local News
Newnham Conservatives InTouch 7th December 2018 Cllr John Mingay, Alison Crook & Cllr Gianni Carofano are working hard as a team in the Newnham Ward - meeting with and listening to the views and concerns of... Local News